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Mum Stopped Taking the Opioid Dihydrocodeine - this is what happened!

In 2017 I used all my Herbalist knowledge to help my mum to become drug free by doing a series of cleanses, feeding her lots of nutritious food and using supplements and herbs to help her to heal.

However due to a dislocated knee and an allergic reaction to the flu jab, by the end of 2018, Mum was in so much pain, she started to take Dihydrocodeine once again.

I didn't like that Mum had returned to taking this drug because I knew it was a vicious circle. She took the drugs, it eased the pain, in the short term (by dulling the pain receptors) but it never addressed what was causing the pain, meaning doses were always getting stronger and stronger with less and less time between tablets.

It was always a tense conversation with my mum when we talked about her drugs. She would vermently justify the reasons she had for taking her painkillers and I knew that I had very little hope of changing her mind. Even though she'd experienced a time without them back in 2017. She believed that the doctors had the answers to helping her with her pain - which tended to be be higher doses of dihydrocodeine or her other favourite, paracetamol. I had to resolve myself to the fact that this is how she wanted to live her life and there was little I could do about it.

The change happened by chance

I was planning a trip to Portugal with my Husband and youngest son so asked Mum if she'd like to come along with us. Initially she said no. I was not surprised! The last time we travelled, was to Canada, immediately after her reaction to the flu jab which caused her body to swell beyond recognition. She had to endure 16 hours travelling which included a 10 hour flight whilst her body seized and swelled in the uncomfortable seats on the airplane. Still we managed to get her there and she got to see her 96 year old sister for one last time.

Mum was reluctant to travel again but I convinced her this trip would be so much better. I said we would arrange travel assistance in the airport and she wouldn't have to do much in the gorgeous Portugal sunshine. My husband, son and I would all help her to get around and enjoy a break from the cold British weather. She eventually agreed and soon she became excited about going on holiday.

I knew that once she had agreed, I could use the opportunity of us living together for 12 days, to look at Mum's diet, sleep patterns, hydration and mobility and plan a program to improve all of them. I decided not to share this with Mum but thought I could subtly suggest things we could do each day to get her moving whilst preparing her meals for her to help with nutrition.

On the first full day of our holiday I went through a stretch session with her. I'm not a physiotherapist but understand through having an injury of my own, that muscles weaken and tighten through inactivity and as a starting point to my own recovery, I pledged to move the stiffness I felt in my body no matter how painful it was, to allow blood and oxygen to get to the muscles that needed them.

We worked on what I called the 'edge of pain' where I would very slowly bend Mum's limbs as far as they would go. Initially she would yelp out but I would hold the limb as close the point of pain, for about 30 seconds. After 30 seconds I would gently move the limb deeper into the stretch and miraculously her flexibility was immediately better. We worked on Mum's wrists, shoulders, hip flexors, knees and ankles. Mum was stretching so well it was amazing! And she was also so invigorated with how much better she felt after the session.

Follow the stretching I used some very light weights to help Mum's feeble limbs start to bear some weight. Once again, Mum found it nearly impossible to lift anything but we adapted the exercises so that gravity assisted her. Finally in that first session, I gave Mum a full body massage with essential oils.

The second day I encouraged mum to rest as we had worked her muscles hard. By the 3rd day, I noticed Mum was going around the villa doing the exercises I'd shown her against the walls or when she stood up to go to the bathroom. It was heart warming to see!

Mum announced at the end of the third day that she hasn't taken any painkillers today. We were all quite surprised but happy to hear that. We thought nothing of it and went to bed as usual. Mum continued to do exercises and stretches and everything seemed very positive. That first drug free day turned into two, three and four days, although Mum did mention her sleep was strange and she complained that the room seemed to be spinning the night before.

Then on the sixth night I was woken by my Mum screaming out my name. I raced to her room to find her eyes spinning and she was totally disoriented, telling me she was about to be sick. I quickly got a bucket and watched Mum vomit uncontrollably. We couldn't understand what was happening and wondered if it was the taste of Sangria she had from the night before or something she'd eaten had caused this reaction. It just didn't make sense.

Panicked and fearful for her, I thought we were going to have to rush her to the hospital right then and there but luckily the vomiting eased and in the early hours, she was able to get back to sleep. The next day, still very disorientated we decided the best thing for Mum was for her to continue resting.

I tried desperately to back track over what we had done, what we'd eaten and the only real change was Mum had said she had stopped taking her pain killers so I asked her to show me all her drugs.

It was then I realised the painkillers she had stopped taking were not paracetamol like I'd thought but the highly addictive dihydracodeine!

I knew that these drugs shouldn't be messed with. You don't take them one day and stop the next! Usually when you take dihydrocodeine, you are signing up to a lifelong commitment to taking them. And actually what we had seen during the night was what a drug addict would go through if they went cold-turkey.

Racking my brains, reading the ingredients and side effects of the packet of dihydrocodeine over and over, trying to find a nugget of information that would help. I didn't know what to do for the best. Should I start giving Mum the dihydrocodeine again?

Then I noticed on the front of the box, not in the ingredients, that caffeine was included in each tablet. Caffeine in herbalist terms is used as a stimulant to help increase the functionality of the organs and glands in ridding toxins from the body. Remember the old wives' tale a strong black coffee to treat a hangover?

Luckily we had some coffee grinds in the cupboard so with nothing to lose I made my Mum a cup of strong black coffee.

I needed to wake her up to give it to her but by the time she'd drank half a cup Mum was back to being lucid, sitting up in bed and talking to me.

I was truly astonished how quick the turnaround was but was also dubious that the withdrawal from such a powerful drug wasn't over yet. Mum stayed in bed for the rest of the day but felt she could eat something which was promising.

The following night mum experienced a similar episode as before but this time it was less intense. So I continued with the strong black coffee, each morning which improved her symptoms a bit more each day

By day ten Mum was back on her feet and ready to continue enjoying the rest of her holiday! And remarkably was no longer taking the dihydrocodeine!

I honestly couldn't believe what had happened! And it still today it blows my mind how we managed to help my mum when she decided to stop taking such a serious drug.

Mum never returned to taking dihydrocodeine and doesn't even take paracetamol today which I am hugely grateful for. We did have the challenge of stopping the repeat prescription from the Doctor though! I don't think they believed her when she said she has stopped taking this highly addictive drug. They kept saying we'll keep the repeat going just in case you need them again in the future.

For years afterwards mum had packets and packets of dihydrocodeine knocking around the house and the pharmacies and doctors refusing to accept them back! What a wasteful world we live in hey?!

I'd love to know if you've had any experiences like this or have any views on this powerful drug. Please leave a comment or get in touch via my webform.

Please note: I am just sharing a real life experience that happened to me and my family. If you require help with you medication then please contact your medical professional.

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